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[2022년 12월 22일] AlphaCode 특강: Google DeepMind 정준영 박사 (2022-12-23)
Title: Competition-Level Code Generation with AlphaCode, Abstract: Programming is a ubiquitous problem-solving tool. Developing AI systems that can independently generate programs or assist programmers can change the paradigm of programming. Recent large-scale language models have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate code, and they are now able to complete simple programming tasks. However, these models are rather weak when evaluated on more complex, unseen problems that require problem-solving skills beyond simply translating instructions into code. For example, competitive programming problems which require an understanding of algorithms and complex natural language remain extremely challenging. To address this gap, we introduce AlphaCode, a system for code generation that can create novel solutions to these problems that require deeper reasoning. In simulated evaluations on recent programming competitions on the Codeforces platform, AlphaCode achieved on average a ranking of the top 54.3% in competitions with more than 5,000 participants. Today, I will present the key ideas of the AlphaCode system, and insights for tackling the competitive programming problem. Bio: Junyoung Chung is a staff research scientist at DeepMind. He received his PhD degree from the University of Montreal / MILA under the supervision of Professor Yoshua Bengio. He contributed to large-scale projects at DeepMind such as AlphaStar and AlphaCode. His research interests include various topics in deep learning, natural language processing and program synthesis. AlphaStar 비디오: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=UuhECwm31dM AlphaCode 프로젝트 페이지: https://www.deepmind.com/ blog/competitive-programming- with-alphacode 논문: https://www.science.org/ doi/10.1126/science.abq1158
[2022년 12월 8일] 2022 AI 융합 콜로키움 7차 강연 (연세대학교 생명시스템대학 생명공학 이인석 교수) (2022-12-19)
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[2022년 11월 29일] 22학번 신입생-교수 간담회 (2022-12-02)
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[2022년 10월 7일] 연세대학교 제1회 AI Workshop (2022-10-17)
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[2022년 9월 29일] 2022 AI 융합 콜로키움 2차 강연 (연세대학교 교육과학대학 스포츠응용산업학 전용관 교수) (2022-10-17)
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